03.03.2013Johnson wrote to Berwick via email: "Pretty much everyone failed to mention that most of the 1714 hectares falls under 500 HECTARE minimum lot size (to protect the habitat), allowing for only 3 homes on 1500 hectares and only land under 600m elevation being able to be built on at 4 hectare zoning, which, Vivianne [the seller's real estate agent], John [Cobin] and German [Eyzaguirre] claimed can be reduced to 1/2 hectare."
Also, there is very little water associated with the property. Johnson did not perform due diligence before the purchase, relying solely on Cobin/Eyzaguirre's representations. Note that it took only two weeks for the GGC Recovery Team's real estate agent to verify the water rights and zoning--one visit to the municipality, and another to the Departamento General de Agua.
Johnson's plan going forward: "I think we need to tell people that we are expanding the scope of the project and our approvals have been delayed a bit, but hope to have sales starting in April, as we redraw the project to include much more land, without giving any specifics."
In other words, Johnson planned to cover up his incompetence and material omissions as he tried to find more land for the project.
N.B. The lower elevation zoning is 10 hectare, not four.